Alaska Coastal Observations and Research


The primary purpose of Alaska Coastal Observations and Research (ACOR) is to provide independent scientific research and monitoring on any aspect of nearshore ocean ecology in coastal Alaska. The research and observations may encompass multiple trophic levels or may address a single species.

ACOR will inform the scientific community and general public about the research findings through publications, outreach, and education. ACOR may, from time to time, promote any lawful purpose as permitted under the Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Canadian Science Publishing “Editor’s choice” paper for 2022:  Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, CJFAS-2021-0224

Title:  Post-settlement abundance, condition, and survival in a climate-stressed population of Pacific cod

A recent series of marine heatwaves in the Gulf of Alaska has caused the fishery collapse of the Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus).  This study utilizes age-0 abundance, length, and condition data from 15 years of beach seine surveys to gauge the likelihood of population recovery. 

The article will be mentioned on the website

Current Projects

Our current research projects include juvenile cod and pink salmon surveys, zooplankton collections with community volunteers, water temperature monitoring in Kodiak salmon streams, and water quality collections at the port of Kodiak.

Research Vessel

SV Galactic transports the research team between Kodiak and Sand Point for the western GOA juvenile cod survey. Sailing reduces our carbon footprint for sustainable research.

Volunteer Board Members


Peer-reviewed Publications
