Alaska Coastal Observations and Research

Current Research Projects

Juvenile cod surveys

Juvenile cod surveys

To evaluate the health of the Pacific cod stock and determine the likelihood of recovery from the fishery collapse following the 2014-16 marine heatwave, the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) juvenile cod survey was started in 2018. Sampling ranged in the nearshore areas between...

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Westward Region Juvenile Pink Salmon Survey

Westward Region Juvenile Pink Salmon Survey

In the Gulf of Alaska, Pink Salmon demonstrated an adult return failure in 2016, and failed to meet minimum escapement objectives in the Kodiak, Chignik, and South Peninsula areas. This fishery collapse coincided with a marine heatwave (2014-2016). Pink salmon are a...

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Community Zooplankton Monitoring

Community Zooplankton Monitoring

This one-year project has several goals, the first is to determine if a community monitoring project is sustainable in Anton Larsen Bay (ALB).  Collections of zooplankton, harmful algae, water temperature, stratification of the water column, and nutrients are all...

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Water Temperature in Kodiak Salmon Streams

Water Temperature in Kodiak Salmon Streams

ACOR assists two Tribal Councils on Kodiak Island with water temperature monitoring.  The Karluk River is monitored by the Larsen Bay Tribal Council, and Big Creek is monitored by the Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor. The Tribal Councils deploy and retrieve the...

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Completed Research Projects

Collection of Pacific cod eggs

Collection of Pacific cod eggs

Increasing CO 2 levels in the atmosphere and rising ocean temperatures, caused primarily by human activities are leading to an increase in the dissolved CO 2 concentrations in the oceans and a subsequent decrease in the pH and increase in the temperature of seawater....

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Westward Region Juvenile Pink Salmon Survey

Westward Region Juvenile Pink Salmon Survey

In the Gulf of Alaska, Pink Salmon demonstrated an adult return failure in 2016, and failed to meet minimum escapement objectives in the Kodiak, Chignik, and South Peninsula areas. This fishery collapse coincided with a marine heatwave (2014-2016). Pink salmon are a...

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Water Quality – Port of Kodiak

Water Quality – Port of Kodiak

The project was designed to test water quality in 16 - 20 Alaskan coastal communities in low and high cruise ship years.  ACOR collects sea water samples for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation – subcontracted through Aquatic Restoration and...

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