Alaska Coastal Observations and Research

Water Temperature in Kodiak Salmon Streams

ACOR assists two Tribal Councils on Kodiak Island with water temperature monitoring.  The Karluk River is monitored by the Larsen Bay Tribal Council, and Big Creek is monitored by the Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor. The Tribal Councils deploy and retrieve the temperature loggers and send them to ACOR for download, data management, and report writing.  This project benefits from assistance from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, who initiated the project in 2015 within the Kodiak Archipelago Water Temperature Monitoring Network.  The network’s focus on monitoring water temperatures of salmon habitat reflects recognition of the strong influence of temperature on salmon at all life cycle stages; the importance of salmon to the economy and ecosystem of the archipelago; and the need to provide reliable time-series temperature data to support development of proactive approaches to management of salmon in response to climate change.

 ACOR has been involved since 2020.